Sunday, May 24, 2020

Social Identity Theory And Social Interaction Theory Essay

Social Identity Theory In 1979, Tajfel and Turner are recognized for the development of social identity theory (SIT) (Tajfel Turner, 1979). Through earlier studies, Tajfel attempted to understand mechanisms that lead to group members to discriminate against non-group members, which lead to evolution of SIT (Hogg, van Knippenberg, Rast, 2012). The Tajfel and Turner developed SIT with the purpose of understanding social group discrimination (Tajfel Turner, 1979). SIT is based on three concepts: Social categorization; social identity, and social comparison (Tajfel Turner, 1979; Hogg, van Knippenberg, Rast, 2012; Mols, Weber, 2013). SIT has been used in psychological research for many of years, but has also provided a theoretical framework for research in many disciplines including human services to understand social changes of groups (Hogg, van Knippenberg, Rast, 2012). Key Constructs Social categorization. Social categorization is how individuals sees or put themselves andr others into categories (Mols, Weber, 2013). Typical categories often used to label self are interest, race, gender, profession, and other factors (Mols, Weber, 2013). Individuals who categorize themselves and other members with similar characteristics, form a group the members are consider an in-group (Tajfel Turner, 1979; Hogg, van Knippenberg, Rast, 2012; Mols, Weber, 2013).An out-group is any that does not identify or observed the same characteristics as the in-group which oftenShow MoreRelatedSymbolic Interaction: My Favorite Sociological Theory1235 Words   |  5 PagesMy Favorite Sociological Theory Authors name Authors institutional affiliation Authors note My Favorite Sociological Theory There were several theories that I found interesting as a part of the course, yet the theory that I connected with most personally was Symbolic Interaction. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Tomb of Unknown - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 721 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/09/13 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? Tomb of the Unknowns The Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery is a monument dedicated to American soldiers who have given their life in battle, only to be unidentifiable. Many people recognize the name, â€Å"Tomb of the Unknown Soldier†, but that is not the official name. It as a tool of closure for families whose loved ones paid the ultimate price for their country and whose bodies were not recovered or not recognizable. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Tomb of Unknown" essay for you Create order Bodies from every major conflict that America has been involved with, beginning with World War I, are buried in this homage to our unknown troops. The construction of this monument symbolized an emotion of not only what was lost, but what has also survived. It inspires tribute to our soldiers that have perished fighting to protect and serve their fellow countryman. This tomb recognizes that although the brave members of our armed services may die in battle, that we appreciate and will never forget the sacrifice that they have given for the rest of us. In order for this monument to be relevant to future generations, I believe that we can never forget the human tragedy of war. War is brutal and hideous, yet at the same time necessary from time to time for the survival of the innocent. As time passes, history will repeat itself and war will occur. With the scientific and medical advancements that have been made, it is becoming increasingly unlikely that soldiers’ remains will be unidentifiable. At the same time the same advancements in science and increasingly devastating weapons increase the possibility that soldiers could very well be unidentifiable. It is important that in the event that a body is not able to be identified, that we do have a representative from each war where this happens buried at this tomb. People remember and pass down significant happenings in their lives; very rarely do individuals share important history with the younger generation. For this monument to have meaning to future generations and centuries, it is important for the President to be present on Memorial and Veterans Days. With a Presidential appearance twice a year, it is certain that the majority of people will be unable to forget and appreciate this monument and what it symbolizes. The habits, not just of a single President, but of the Presidential Office do not go unnoticed and forgotten. Our leader’s actions are always in the public eye and his show of respect would set an example for the rest of the nation to follow. I also believe that everyone should visit this somber reminder that life is indeed fragile. It is sometimes a hard concept to grasp until you have seen the respect and honor that the guards of this tomb have for their fallen brethren. There are not many changes that I deem necessary for this monument. I believe that the cracks that have formed in the marble do need to be fixed. It makes the ground somewhat uneven and could eventually go all the way through the marble causing permanent damage. A damaged and broken monument does not serve the purpose that it was originally constructed for. It is also disrespectful to the unknown soldiers and the families of the unknown. I also believe that it needs to be more recognizable to citizens of this country. It is debatable that a large percentage of our population does not know of this monument. Name and Location of Monument: Tomb of Unknowns, Arlington National Cemetery Name 3 aspects of culture or three ideals it symbolized at the time it was placed: Remembrance of men that gave their life for our country Outpouring of emotion, not only for what was lost, but for what has survived Inspires gratitude Name 3 major cultural features that will need to be addressed in this monument to make it relevant in the 22nd century: Human tragedy of war Future unidentifiable bodies buried there Information passed down to future generations What ideal, theme, or symbol I think the monument would need to encompass in order to have meaning for the people of the 22nd century: Presidential attendance on Memorial and Veterans Days Witness changing of the guard What 2 or 3 primary changes would my re-envisioned monument incorporate? Properly fix cracks formed in marble Make it more known to the citizens of this country

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Rethinking Calculus Free Essays

Mathematics can sometimes seem scary for me, and I am sure that a lot of other high school students feel the same way. Maybe, it’s because we often see math as merely a series of problems to be solved and rules to master and apply. Calculus is one of the branches of math that some students like me find intimidating to learn. We will write a custom essay sample on Rethinking Calculus or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper aims to establish an appreciation and better understanding of calculus by reviewing its historical groundings and giving the practical application of the subject. The foundation of calculus did not just appear in history, in fact, mathematicians had encountered numerous difficulties and problems that had led to their desire to find ways in which to offer solutions. It is the case that although Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz were the ones to formulate the theorems of Calculus we know today, a fair share of mathematicians began utilizing concepts of calculus as early as the greek period. Calculus was developed from ancient Greek geometry. It was mainly use to Democritus calculated the volumes of pyramids and cones, probably by regarding them as consisting of infinitely many cross-sections of infinitesimal (infinitely small) thickness, and Eudoxus and Archimedes used the â€Å"method of exhaustion†, finding the area of a circle by approximating it arbitrarily closely with inscribed polygons. In fact it was Archimedes who was the first person to find an approximation of the area of the circle using the â€Å"method of exhaustion†; it was the first samples of integration and led to the approximated values of ? (pi). In line with the developments in the field of theoretical mathematics, it can be said that mathematicians encountered their own difficulties with math problems before they were able to actually find the answers through calculus. It was not until the 16th century when mathematicians found the need to further develop the methods that could be used to calculate areas bounded by curves and spheres. Johannes Kepler for example had to find the area of the sectors of the ellipse in order for him to proceed with his work in planetary motion. He was lucky enough to find the answer in two tries despite the then crude methods of calculus. Imagine if he was unable to compute the area of ellipses during that time, chances are there would have been a delay in the development of astronomical science. It was through Kepler’s exploration of integration that laid groundwork for the further study of Cavalieri, Roberval, and Fermat. The latter especially contributed a great deal to calculus by generalizing the parabola and hyperbola as y/a = (x/b)2 to (y/a)n = (x/b)m and y/a = b/x to (y/a)n = (b/x)m respectively. It is the case that some mathematicians (like Joseph Louis Langrange) consider Fermat to be the father of calculus, especially with his formulation of the method used in acquiring the maxima and minima by calculating when the derivative of the function was 0; this method is not far from that which we use today in solving such equations. The formulas we use today to determine motion at variable speeds use calculus. Toricelli and Barrow were the first mathematicians to explore the problem of motion by implicitly applying the inverse of differentiation, integral and derivative as inverses of each other in asserting that the derivative of distance is velocity and vice versa. Newton and Leibniz are considered to be the inventors of calculus because of their discovery of the fundamental theorems of calculus. However though both shares credit for the latter, Newton was able to apply it further showing its use both in his works in physics and planetary motion which are considered the most significant of all his contributions. The three laws of motion echoed if not are born out of the notion that since the world changes and derivatives are the rates of changes, and then the latter becomes pivotal to any scientific endeavor that attempts to understand the world. Newton was able to use calculus in determine a lot of things during his time. We must remember though, that in voicing Newton it is good to reminisce his advice that abstractions and concepts don’t stand alone, they’re pieced together with other ideas to find a solution, an answer. This goes with his Newtonian laws, which if we are to really understand we must see how it relates with his law of gravitational force. Calculus bridges the gaps between theoretical math and the applied sciences/mathematics; if we are to look at it exclusively then we would miss the entire point of why we use it as such fail to realize its true value. Calculus plays a role in the natural, physical as well as the social sciences; it is being employed in solving numerous problems that wishes to determine the maximum and minimum rates of change. It is capable of describing the physical processes that occur around us. It has even been used to solve paradoxes created during the time of Zeno in ancient Greece. It is impossible to imagine how we can be able to understand the world today without the calculus as one of our tools in acquiring knowledge. We may perhaps still be slaves to mystical forces that were claimed to be the cause of change in this world. Mathematics would remain to us mere abstractions if calculus was not introduced to become the mediator of thought and practice. The development of other disciplines would have not followed without first establishing the existence of the fundamental concepts of calculus. Things which in history were thought to be inconceivable were able to have a figure that man can understand and therefore have the capacity to manipulate though not complete control. Students like me get frustrated when trying to solve a mathematical problem and failing once or twice. Reading on the history of calculus made me realize that mathematicians would not have come up with the theorems and methods we use today if they too decided to simply get frustrated. In as much as Calculus teaches you at what rate things change and how the infinite can be understood, one could also learn the value of knowing something even if exclusively it seems unimportant. In order for us to appreciate the subject we must look at it as part of the greater system of knowledge, without it all things would not be coherent. How to cite Rethinking Calculus, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Business and Corportaion Law Acceptance

Question: Discuss about the Business and Corportaion Lawfor Acceptance. Answer: The primary obligation of a suitable contract is a conformity that normally consists of an proposal and acceptance. It involves gathering of like minds together, meaning agreement between parties of similar minds. There are a number of composite rules that exist to determine the involvement of proposal and acceptance. In the famous case of, Carill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co, it was held by the Court that an proposal is different from an invitation to deal. To distinguish between the two, one needs to understand the intention of the party making the statement. The test of determination is indeed a difficult one. Determination has to be made based on the declaration, whether the declaration was an affirmative sentence or simply result of further negotiation (Ayres Schwartz, 2014). The contract law is the essential division of commandment in this case. It does not consist of exact rules and regulations relatively it lays the position of values that, restricts the privileges and obligations of the parties to the agreement. Thus, the parties to the agreement should not break the lawful obligations. The business law states that, every declaration and every form of declarations forms a contemplation for the additional party. A proposal, when approved by the supplementary party is called a guarantee. The given definition of formation of agreement suits important to analyze the given scenario. Therefore, for an agreement to become a contract two essentials are important to fulfill, proposal and acceptance of the proposal made (Chen, 2012). In the aforementioned case, there is proposal and multiple acceptances of the proposal made. Alan makes the proposal. Alan decides to promote a book called Introduction to Business Law in Singapore," which was part of the obligatory paper in Commercial Law. Alan posted on a social networking site about his proposal. He made the proposal on November 1. The advertising cost of the book was $200.00. Alan specified the cut-off date for sum on November 5, 2014. Bernard established the present made by Alan. He responded to the post of Alan accommodating his proposal. Alan, though, gave no additional permission to the reply of Bernard. Bernard sent the money to Alan via courier on November 7, 2014. Alan gave his unique book and remarked that his comments are printed in the paperback. Alana has younger sister named Charleen. She also saw the post made by Alan and was interested to purchase the book at $200. Alan did not get Charleens receipt gravely. Alan thought that she is too immature to use that book. Alan, however, agreed to Charleens acceptance while he was thinking about something else. A agreement was formed between the brother and the sister.On November 6, 2014, after getting her pouch money, Charleen gave $200.00 to Alan. She left the money on the table for her brother. Damien also showed his interest towards for the book and was ready to accept the proposal made by Alan. On November 4, 2014, Damien met Alan in his college. Damien gave him $200.00 in money. Alan kept the cash and said that he will provide all the matter in November 7, 2014. On the same day, he purchased a analogous book from a supermarket and gave the book to Damien. The agreement that was formed between Alan and Bernard was no contract. Alan accepted the cash that was send by Bernard and accordingly handled the book to him on November 7, 2014. This act or was wrong on the side of Alan. Shortly it was established that the book was obtainable free of cost at Kaplan Higher Education. Consequently, Alan is legally accountable for the fake proposal made by him. Bernard can file a suit for compensation and damages for the proposal made by Alan. When Alan posted about his proposal, Bernard responded to the proposal made on November. Alan posted the cost of the book as $ 200.Bernard made a contradict proposal to the proposal made by Alan. The contradict prproposal made by Bernard was $150. A counter proposal is an prproposal that is made against the first proposal. This type of proposal may be accepted or rejected. A counter proposal is the amendment of the primary proposal making the proposal more feasable and reasonable. To accept or reject the counterproposal is always left at the freedom of the proposalee. When an individual makes a counterproposal then the person is free to either recognize the proposal or decline it (Williams, 2014). In the given situation also, Bernard made a counter proposal to Alan. Alan neither accepted the counter proposal made by him, nor expressly rejected it. On November 3, 2014, Bernard made compensation for Alan and posted the amount to Alan. Consequently, Alan acknowledged the sum and send the book to Bernard. In this case, if we apply the postal rule then the contract is said to be formed. However, Alan never gave confirmation to Bernard in response to the counterproposal made by him. Alan accepted the sum and delivered the book. In this case Bernards legal position is nowhere. The reason behind this is that no agreement survived between Alan and him. Alan never acknowledged the oppose proposal made by Bernard. Therefore, we can terminate that no valid agreement existed between Alan and Bernard. Alans younger sister is Charleen. She is a student of O level. When she saw the proposal made by Alan she was also interested in trading the book on Commercial Law from her brother. Charleen agreed to make the sum to his brother. When Charleen approached his brother, Alan simply nodded his head in response to what Charleen said. When Alan nodded his head he was thinking about something else, he was imagining about football. Therefore, Alan was not in a appropriate intelligence of mind when he decided to Charleens acceptance to his proposal. In the given case, the query that arises here is whether there existed a suitable agreement between Alan and Charleen. Presumingly, if Charleen was a student of O level, then her age is not more than 16 or 17 years. She is still a child. By law of agreement, an agreement with minor is no agreement. Similarly since Charleen and Alan were kin of one another in this matter, the Court should seriously think about such an agreement as simply social and household understanding. Law does not tie a communal and residential understanding. One can't file a suit for violation of agreement against another. In this way, in this domain too, no agreement survived amid Alan and Charleen. In the same contextual investigation, it was likewise watched that while Alan gestured his head and acknowledged the proposal of Alan he was not in a decent perspective. He gestured equivocally without further transactions with Charleen. In this way, it might be assumed here that the agreement between Charleen and A lan was simply local in character and genuine, no real agreement survived between them. Damien was Bernard's companion. Damien found Alans telephone integer. Damien made a counter proposal to Alan by means of SMS. Damien gave the cash to Alan on November 4, 2014, and on November 7, 2014, Alan gave the book alongwith the notes to Damien. It is the agreement between Alan and Damien that is legitimate and has satisfied every component of a substantial agreement. The accompanying rudiments are crucial for an agreement to get satisfied. They are the following: proposal, acceptance, consideration, intention and legitimate connection. As against Bernard and Charleen, just Damien has satisfied every component of a suitable agreement. Therefore, a substantial contract is framed between Alan and Damien. Since Bernard made a counter proposal to Alan that was not acknowledged by Alan and by the rule of postal guideline, the agreement gets to be invalid. Similarly as far as Charleen is concerned, she being child did not have the power to bond with her sibling, Alan. Thus, on November 23, 2014, Bernard and Damien found that the book on Commercial Law was issued free of charge by Kaplan Higher Education. Alan additionally made changes on his introductory proposal. Alan expressed that he protected a elevated refinement score, however he found out how to get score "credit" for his test. Moreover, he said that he would furnish extra notes besides the book. Nonetheless, he furnished no additional comments with the course book to Bernard. Convincingly, Damien can seek legal activity towards Alan distorting the estimation of the book. Subsequently there was no legitimate agreement between Bernard and Alan, Bernard can assert for reimbursement from Alan. Damien, despite what might be expected, can file a suit for harms or remuneration from Alan. By law of agreement in case that if any of parties break the agreement, then the abused party might record a suit for reimbursement or indemnity. The expense of the harm or remuneration is evaluated by misfortune endured by him. The different option for resolution of dispute is, arbitration, mediation, and litigation. Mediation is the procedure whereby an impartial outsider helps the parties in dispute achieves a willful choice. Conciliation is a casual, well disposed and private method for settling a argument. It helps in determining any contention whether individual or business. An arbiter presides over the dispute resolution. The mediator who presides over the meeting helps both parties to solve their dispute in such a way that it is satisfactory by both the parties in dispute (Puil Weele, 2014). However, adjudication is a more official method of dispute resolution. The system of evimainsence and test are often supple and tranquil. The arbitrator is a person that controls over the argument between the parties. He uses more flexible rules for evidence and trial. The decision that is made by the authority is compulsory on both the parties. In the process of arbitration where the decision is not binding on the parties, the parties may file a plea before the trial court for the resolution of their argument. Arbitration is best suited for situations where the person wants to decide the result of the dispute which otherwise is luxurious and extensive (Deakin Morris, 2012). One of the best methods of solving dispute is litigation. Litigation is the process that takes place in the Court of rule. In a official process of proceedings the applicant files a suit against the defendant. The applicant and the defendant have the right to hire lawful advisors, who present their matter before the Court of Law in sustain of their proceedings. The judgment is concluding and compulsory upon both the parties. If the opposite party is dissatisfied with the decision of the Court, he can file a suit of appeal against the decision in the higher Court. The process of litigation is time consuming and costly. However, the decision mostly ends in a fair and just way. . It is optional that in all disputes the parties should first resort to alternating argument declaration before filing a suit for proceedings (Knapp, 2013). Reference List: Ayres, I., Schwartz, A. (2014). No-Reading Problem in Consumer Contract Law, The.Stan. L. Rev.,66, 545. Chen-Wishart, M. (2012).Contract law. Oxford University Press. Deakin, S. F., Morris, G. S. (2012).Labour law. Hart publishing. Gallagher, M. E., Giles, J., Park, A., Wang, M. (2013). China's 2008 labor contract law: implementation and implications for China's workers.World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, (6542). Hillman, R. A. (2012).The richness of contract law: An analysis and critique of contemporary theories of contract law(Vol. 28). Springer Science Business Media. Knapp, C. L. (2013). Unconscionability in American Contract Law: A Twenty-First Century Survey.UC Hastings Research Paper, (71). Landa, J. T. (2014). A theory of the ethnically homogeneous middleman group: an institutional alternative to contract law (with an Afterword).Handbook of East Asian Entrepreneurship, 82. McKendrick, E. (2014).Contract law: text, cases, and materials. Oxford University Press (UK). Poole, J. (2014).Textbook on contract law. Oxford University Press, USA. Puil, J. V. D., Weele, A. V. (2014). Contract Law and Tort Law. InInternational Contracting: Contract Management in Complex Construction Projects(pp. 285-292). Twigg-Flesner, C. (2013).The Europeanisation of contract law: current controversies in law. Routledge. Williams, S. H. (2014). Survey Of South Carolina Law: Contract Law: Consumers And Remedies: Do Limitation Of Liability Clauses Domore Harm Than Good?.SCL Rev.,65, 663-963.